here's some info about me for my Fellow Gamers xd
i love talking to ppl about whatever games i'm playing but know beforehand that i am not a technical player at all
the only games i kind of take seriously are isaac, osu, and tera so if you wanna talk technical about those with me go ahead
kayoko is my real name, kayo and kou are my nicknames but if u have another dumb name for me go ahead and call me that xd
i usually follow back (if you share my interests i 100% will follow u back) and love talking so dm me we can be frend
if you're interested in a banner/overlay commission (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4) check my twitch for more info, i'm always taking commissions feel free to dm me as well for these xd
also if a link on here doesn't work or whatever pls tell me so i can fix it thank u